On October 2021, Kikkoman held an open competition for a celebratory bottle design. I found out about it too late to enter, but I had an idea that refused to leave me alone. So I followed through with it.

Now I personally, don't use soy sauce, so I took myself on a crash course on both the product and company.
I used sources provided from the Kikkoman website and their official Youtube channel to get a feel of what they wanted to accomplish with their designs along with the history of soy sauce that influenced them.
Their mini documentary* covering this, is were I drew the main inspiration of my design which was to highlight the design engineering that went in to the bottle's function while maintaining simplicity.
*“seasoning your life” The Story of Kikkoman’s Soy Sauce Tabletop Dispenser - Youtube

The way that the bootle was to be held, when in use, was the base of the design, while not over decorating the bottle as the bottle itself was the art while the finger prints are intended to be the makers marks upon the bottle.